venerdì 24 giugno 2011


It's friday.
It's Friday AND your day off!
That's cool, it almost never happens to you to have Friday off!
AND it's her birthday!!!!
I mean, it's perfect, you could hang out, chat, have a nice time!
You could go make her a surprise and... Oh
She lives about 5000miles away. There's an ocean between you two. And, more than that, when you told her you'd have gladly gone to visit her, asked for days at work, bought the ticket... Well, she said she doesn't want you to.

I'll spend my day playing with the xbox. How will your day be?

martedì 21 giugno 2011

I need caresses... I need hugs, and kisses. I need affection and care... I need to feel loved...

I so would need a hug right now... I so would need someone to really care...

I guess

I'll be found alone, in my apartment, slained by a dozen cats...
That's how ill end up...

sabato 11 giugno 2011

Uh, uh...

Woah. Really on the edge of breaking down.
Tired, physically and mentally, nervous...
Broke glasses twice during evening shift (thing totally unnatural for me) and almost answered badly to a customer...
Need rest. Mental rest. How do you get that?

domenica 5 giugno 2011

3years and a half ago

I was leaving for the Us, going on an adventure, everyone was proud of me, i was so excited and full of life.
3years and a half later, im under a tree near a river, at 5 am, listening to the water flowing, wondering where did i go wrong, and what is the meaning of me being here...

Karma is a bitch...


Im a really shitty person. I make people trust me, and i use their trust to my own gain.
Im fake. Im subtle. Stay away from me.

Noone knows me.
Only you did, and you dont care...


I dont know...