mercoledì 10 febbraio 2010

Round and round

Well. A good friend is leaving. Long time since I last saw him, more than a year... And this will probably the amount of time before we get to meet again...Hope not! Good luck mate! See you in Australia!

A cousin is comin over in June, from Canada. And a friend from Lousiana, if her bro get to be free from school in time! Lot of people traveling, I'd say!

Weird. It was me that one, before. Miss that!
Whatever, I'll just take what I get and keep going with the flow.
I miss my starshine too. It's hard without her light, knowing I probably won't see it anymore...

Today not really inspired, no drawing, no writing... The lazy me has won once again, but I feel hopeful for tomorrow!
So I wish you all a wonderful day, or night, and start to get ready to hop down the train.

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