domenica 14 febbraio 2010

Still dark


So V day is gone, not that I really cared about it. Ordinary day, as it has been for the last...22 years? (ok last year has not, only exception).
I have some good ideas for a new photoshoot, I'll need to get some stuff from the old Bay! Free shipping rocks!

So many things I'd like to do, but even having all this time doesn't make me do them! What's wrong with me?
I really don't know... I feel sometimes like I don't care about anything at all, then I got 1000 things in mind, but still I end up spending all my time on facebook or wandering around the web. And the worst thing is that I don't even enjoy it! I'm bored but I just hang there, like a fucking dork... Sheesh... I'm really a whiner, nothing ever satisfy me doesn't it?

Hey! Check the drawings in the last blog I added to my profile! Awesome stuff, whoever you are, if you did them, dude you are amazing!

I miss my sunshine. Love you.

So far, from my lair, it's all.
Thanks for the attention

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